I am not a writer by my basic nature and as well from my hobby point of view.
But now taking a step ahead of my life happened uptill and now going on this world
"sharing mine gaining others".
Now i want everyone to know about me that what still is that we donot know about us.
there is nothing....
actually and really nothing..
in my hands..
and when say my hands even their grasping power is beyond me
i am what i am made to be..
i am not my body
i am not my "heart" or 'Mind'
i know what i am not
but do not know what i am.
i am happy though that i am what i am but still unaware what i am
What ever happens, is there any role for me..
or even if i am doing it am I actually
or being just made to
how come i am here.
and the other person there
why its so..
why i am doing what i am doing
to what extent i am able to..
even if i am typing all this am i conscious of what my fingers doing or they just automatically running if yes..
then what is playing behind..
what is controlled and and to what extent..
the more i try to be powerful
the more i realize how tiny i am
nothing... actually
what would have happened had i not been what i am ...
and further is it in my control to be, not to be, what i am.
its is so helpless feeling but soothing too
that you are being assisted all the time.
its not that i am in MY CREATORS control.